Monday, December 21, 2009

Yummy Birthday Cake!

My 12-yo daughter Bethany made this!  Homemade cake from scratch, homemade icing (to go between the cake and fondant), and homemade fondant!  Her first attempt at fondant, with NO help, and I am SO PROUD!  =D


  1. Oh my, first time? This is really a beautiful cake! I think she shows real talent. What a gift. I need to get some different cake pans besides the typical sort so that maybe my daughters could attempt something of the sort.

    I'm looking forward to surfing this blog. It looks full of awesome information! ~Jenileigh

  2. Thank you!
    These 2 layers were actually made in Anchor Ovenware glass mixing bowls.
    The top "bowl" was not small enough to fit on the bottom "bowl", so she cut it down with a knife.
    That's the beauty of fondant -- You can't tell what's under there! =)
    None of us have ever attempted fondant, but she's watched plenty of cakes being made with fondant on Amazing Wedding Cakes.
    (can you tell I'm a proud Mama???)


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